When dealing with giving I see myself as a water urn/pitcher. I only have a 2/3/5
l capacity and a little tap at the bottom. Should I fill myself up with water and never release some through the tap I will soon have no more space and nothing will get in. Should I as a pitcher/urn have cracks none of the water will stay in me, and I will run on empty, with nothing to pour out. But if I'm a good urn/pitcher and I am filled, I do not let myself overflow, but rather have a positive outflow into someone else's cup who have a less.
Now apply the same to grace, blessings and love and everything you receive from above. You have to give in order to receive. You can't hoard your blessings, you have to be a blessing to others. If you don't have an outflow in your life you will stop having an inflow, simply because you do not have space.
Thus we give because we receive, we receive by grace and mercy. But it is all not about who we are, but who He is. So why shouldn't we give some of that which we get in abundance. A friend told me a story of all the shells on the beach, and how he realized that no expense was spared when this world was created - we receive everything in abundance. We are blessed beyond belief! Our cups really do overflow!
"You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings." Psalm 23:5 (NLT)
A while back I had a day of intense gratefulness for everything I have been blessed with all through my life. Up to the point where I feel I need to be grateful on purpose. I have recently contemplated getting involved in something like volunteer work, but I have little time available and the time I do have is fractured and infrequent to say the least. As it is with most of my friends in the corporate world.
After rethinking my life and situation - also boys and how I choose to live my life. I have decided to start making some changes. I am not going to divulge to deeply into my plan to give back and live without regrets. But I will find an outflow for my inflow of blessings! Hope you do too! May your cup never overflow!
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