“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
― Robert F. Kennedy

Monday, 29 October 2012

On Blogging

I have always been afraid of blogging - afraid that I might not be good at writing, or that no one will read what I write. I have come to realize however that I am not so much writing for anyone as I am writing for myself.

Writing/blogging is a calming activity, that makes me slow down and think about what I have learnt and done in the past, maybe week, month or even year. It puts things into perspective and creates a focus. It is also a kind of sieve/filter on my mind. Which goes through important bits.

The first time I wrote something for a blog was for a travel blog. It was fun and I felt like I could just be myself and say what I want to say. I realize that once I put something onto paper (or as the case may be keyboard) it will always be there, and anyone might see it.

In the near future I believe that we will all broadcast too much of ourselves on the internet (most of us are already), the average 20something has numerous accounts and feels the need to update regularly what he/she is doing. I have a friend who is the most disconnected person I know, she has a facebook account which she never checks and she can't remember the password to it either, she has an old phone that is always on silent (because she needs it when she needs to reach people) in our high tech world, she has just not cared to keep up. Getting hold of her is frustrating as hell, but I love her for that. I think the strange contrast she presents to the world is what is so appealing to me.

As for me I am much to nosy to not have numerous accounts, I used to love wasting time on social networks not posting anything but just scrolling though what others thought was important enough to broadcast. I have in the past couple of months noticed that I haven't been doing that as often as I used to. I find different ways of entertaining myself and wasting time that I don't have - like starting this blog.

So, it is not about if anybody enjoys reading this, but about how much I enjoyed writing it ;)

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Oor Hobbelperde en Hoop

Ek is mal oor hobbelperde, hulle gee 'n oudtydse gevoel aan enige kamer, veral as hulle van 'n goeie hout gemaak is. As ek op ene klim voel ek sommer gou-gou weer soos 'n kind, nie dat ek te lank terug een was nie, en is sommige aspekte is ek nog steeds een.

Die probleem is dat kinders nie kan wag om grootmense te word nie, en dan sodra ons die grootmens verantwoordelikhede kry, dan wens ons weerons kan net op hobbelperde klim en ons grootste probleem sal wees om nie af te val nie (as jy so ver dink)! Ons is dus nooit ten volle teenwoordig in die fase van ons lewens waar ons onsself bevind nie.

Ek het nie te lank gelede afgestudeer nie, en het daarna begin werk, kort daarna my eerste werk verloor, my tassie gepak en gaan toer. Met my toer beplanning was een van my grootste probleme watter griekse eiland lyk na die lekkerste een... Kaarte was my leesstof, en plakkies my hoogste skoene en die wereld was lekker. Daarna het ek met 'n bondel entoesiasme en hope energie begin werk soek. My moed was keer op keer gebreek en 9maande later was ek eers suksesvol (so lank soos ' n swangerskap!!! Dis bitter laaank).

Hierdie is nou weer 'n heel ander fase van my lewe, met hakke en pakke, sykouse en spertye. Daar is baie om te leer, mense om te ontmoet en die stad bied baie feeste en spyskaarte vir elke geleentheid.

En alhoewel dit nie 100% ek is nie, leer ek baie en hou ek steeds bietjie van die meisie met die blom in haar hare wat kaalvoet op die strand rondloop. Ons word so gou groot en vergeet soms om ons beplanning op sy te skuif en net die oomblik te geniet.

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment”
-Henry David Thoreau
